
1 hr.

Workflow management 3: Investigation requests in Upchain

Module overview

Explore the capabilities of the Investigation request workflow and discuss some possibilities for what you can include in your workflows. We’ll build an example workflow that incorporates multiple people within an organization to demonstrate how an investigative process can involve everyone that is required. We’ll also explore and build a supplier RFQ workflow and discuss how this enables collaboration with external suppliers.

Many organizations have some sort of redlining process in place, where teams outside of engineering review the design and drawings and highlight areas that need attention. Throughout this content, we build a workflow that follows a fairly simple redlining process.

This content takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. By the end, you should be able to:

  • Build an Investigation request workflow that involves tasks and decision points
  • Build a supplier RFQ workflow that involves supplier collaboration
  • Briefly describe what the decision, task, and notification primitives can do in an Investigation request workflow
  • Test a workflow to ensure it achieves your desired outcomes

Module outline

  • Planning and building an investigation request workflow