Publishing and testing an investigation request workflow

In this lesson, we’ll demonstrate how to complete the workflow by connecting the primitives together and building out the exception paths. We’ll publish the workflow and then demonstrate its use in Upchain.

Connecting the workflow together

In this video, we’ll demonstrate how to connect all the primitives together that we configured in the previous video and publish the workflow for final use.

Key takeaways

  1. When connecting primitives, the happy path (green) from a primitive is always configured first, and the exception path (red) is configured second.
  2. Exception paths are required for any primitive that has two possible outcomes, such as the Decision primitive.
  3. Before publishing, Upchain ensures no primitives are missing required settings and that there are no missing connectors.
  4. A published workflow can be used by your end users. The workflow must be versioned up to make further edits.

Testing the workflow

In this video, let’s test out our workflow. This will demonstrate how the different project team members we specified in our workflow are brought in at specific times to perform their intended task.

Key takeaways

  1. The Investigation request follows your chosen workflow. This means that the purpose of the Investigation request is governed by the workflow.
  2. When it is your turn to participate in a workflow, your task will appear in the various My assignments sections throughout Upchain, and you’ll likely receive an email as well.
  3. It is possible to create a Change request for the items in the Investigation request but this must be done before the Investigation request is marked as complete.