Configuring item attributes in Upchain

In this lesson, we’ll review where to view item attributes, including the attributes provided by default. We’ll map item attributes to CAD properties so that attributes can be linked directly to CAD files, and we’ll discuss how to create custom item attributes to suit your business needs.

Before you start:

Review what attributes are provided by Upchain already under the Common section and determine if there are others that you will need for your organization.

Exploring and configuring existing item attributes

In this video, we’ll explore the Item attributes page of the Administration section of Upchain, and demonstrate how to configure CAD mappings for an attribute to link it directly to a CAD file.

Key takeaways

  1. Item attributes provide additional information that describe the item in more detail.
  2. There are default item attributes provided to all customers, and you can create your own custom item attributes to suit your business needs.
  3. Item attributes can be linked to CAD files. If the mapping is set to Read, then the value of the attribute is read from the CAD file into Upchain. If the mapping is set to Write, then the value of the attribute is written to the CAD files from Upchain.

Creating custom item attributes

In this video, we’ll demonstrate how you can create custom attributes to capture the additional information that your organization needs to fully describe the items.

Key takeaways

  1. Custom item attributes allow you to fully describe the items according to your business needs.
  2. Consider whether any of the attributes need to be linked to your CAD files in any way.