Configuring item numbering in Upchain

In this lesson, we’ll walk you through creating new item numbering rules according to an example part numbering scheme. We’ll then demonstrate how the numbering is applied as items are created to confirm that rules are being applied correctly.

Before you start:

Consider what your desired item numbering scheme is and map this out in a document ahead of time.

Understanding items

In this video, we’ll discuss what an item is and the different parts of the item data model.

Key takeaways

  1. An item is the organizing object in Upchain that represents a single level in a bill of materials. It can represent a part, sub-assembly, assembly, or top level assembly.
  2. The item contains all files and information pertaining to one physical object, such as CAD files, drawings, documents, and metadata.
  3. The item is represented by an item data model that contains the item number, major revision, minor revision, and version.
  4. Items can be classified by an item type meant to represent the purpose and function of the item.

Creating a simple item numbering rule

In this video, we’ll show you how to set up a simple item numbering rule in Upchain.

Key takeaways

  1. Item numbering rules can be configured differently for different divisions and item types.
  2. Item numbers can include letters, numbers, and special characters.
  3. The item numbering rule must also contain major and minor revision specifications, even if you don’t use both.
  4. When configuring item numbering rules, try to keep the rules as simple as possible and not rely on the number to identify the item’s type or purpose.
  5. You must publish the rule before it can take effect.

Creating a more complex item numbering rule

In this video, we’ll show you how to set up a more complex item numbering scheme that relies on item types in Upchain.

Key takeaways

  1. When planning out your item numbering rules, you may wish to keep them aligned with the existing rules established at your organization.
  2. When configuring item numbering rules, try to keep the rules as simple as possible and not rely on the number to identify the item’s type or purpose.