• Revit

Center doors in wall segments

Apply constraints to doors to create parametric relationships to walls.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

Apply constraints to doors and windows to create parametric relationships to walls.

  1. Open the project DW-Arch-Center a Door_RVT2021.rvt. It opens in the Level 1 view.

In the Revit interface, the project for this example open at the Level 1 plan view.

  1. Zoom in on the windows on the lower wall.
  2. In the Annotate tab > Dimension panel, click Aligned Dimension.
  3. In the Options Bar, select Wall faces from the drop-down.

In the drawing area, a zoomed-in view of the windows on the lower wall of the building, and in the Options Bar, Wall faces selected from the drop-down.

  1. Select the external face of the left wall, then the centers of each of the four windows, and finally, the interior of the door frame.
  2. Pick a point outside the wall to place the dimensions.

A point outside the wall being clicked to place the dimensions.

  1. Click the EQ control to toggle dimension equality. The windows are evenly spaced along the area defined by the dimensions.

The EQ control selected, and the windows evenly spaced along the defined area of the wall.

  1. Click Modify.
  2. Select the left wall and drag it to see the change in the windows.

The left wall selected and being dragged, with the windows adjusting to maintain equal distancing.

  1. If you made a change, click Undo in the Quick Access toolbar.

To view the dimensions:

  1. Select the dimension.
  2. Click the EQ control. The exact dimensions display, but the EQ constraint is removed.
  3. Change the location of the left wall, and only the left-most dimension changes.

The selected left wall being dragged, with only the left-most dimension changing.

  1. Click Undo.
  2. Select the dimension and click EQ to apply the constraint again.
  3. Right-click and select EQ Display to deselect it.

With the dimension selected, in the context menu, EQ Display selected to disable this option.

Now, the values display, but the EQ constraint remains in effect.

  1. Click Undo if you changed the location of the left wall.

To use the EQ constraint to center a door:

  1. In the Architecture tab > Build panel, click Door.
  2. Place the door along the wall above the windows.

A door being placed on the wall above the windows.

  1. Add a string of dimensions and set the EQ constraint.
  2. Click Modify and drag one of the vertical walls.

With dimensions and the EQ constraint set, the selected left wall being dragged shows the door remaining centered on the wall.

  1. Repeat with the other wall.

The door remains centered between the walls.

The selected right wall moved to a new location shows the door remaining centered on the wall.

  1. Save the project.