• Revit

Copy windows and doors

Copy an existing window and door to place a new instance.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

Copy an existing window and door to place a new instance.

  1. Open the project, DW-Arch_Copy_windows_and_doors_RVT2021.rvt. It opens in the Level 1 view.
  2. To zoom the view, right-click and select Zoom in Region.
  3. Click twice to define a rectangle around the top right area of the building.

In the Revit interface, the project for this example open in the Level 1 plan view, with a rectangle being drawn around the top right area of the building.

  1. Select the window along the curved wall.
  2. Right-click and select Create Similar.

In the zoomed-in view, the window on the curved wall selected, and in the context menu, Create similar selected.

  1. Place the window in the nearby vertical wall. It also places the tag if Tag on Placement is selected in the ribbon.
  2. Click Modify.
  3. Select the window you just inserted.
  4. In the Modify | Windows tab > Modify panel, click Copy.

The window on the vertical wall selected and highlighted in red, and in the Modify | Windows tab, Modify panel, Copy selected and highlighted in red.

  1. For the start point, select the midpoint of the window.

For the second point, pan down to the other side of the building and place the copy. Notice that the tag is not automatically copied.

With the view zoomed to the lower right corner of the building, the copied window placed, but without the tag.

  1. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click Undo.
  2. Zoom back to the original position, and this time, select the window and the tab.

A zoomed-in view of the original window position, with a selection window drawn around both the window and the tag.

  1. Copy the window to the other side of the building. This time, the tag is also copied.

In the lower right corner of the building, the copied window and tag.

  1. Click Modify.
  2. Double-click the center mouse wheel to zoom out to fit.
  3. Zoom in to the middle of the building.
  4. Select Door 7, right-click and select Create Similar.
  5. Place a copy of the door along the same wall.

With the view zoomed in to the middle of the building, a copy of Door 7 placed along the same wall.

  1. Click Modify.
  2. Select Door 9 and copy the door to the same wall.
  3. With the new door still selected, in the Modify | Doors tab > Host panel, click Pick New Host.

A the view, a copy of Door 9 selected and highlighted in red, and on the Modify | Doors tab, Host panel, Pick New Host selected.

  1. The door is removed from the current wall.
  2. Place the door on the same wall as Door 11.

The original location of the copy of Door 9 highlighted in red, with an arrow drawn to the new location, also highlighted in red.

  1. Zoom out to fit the view.
  2. Save the project.