• InfoWorks ICM

Introducing the Geospatial User Interface or GUI

Describe how the geospatial user interface works within a multiuser environment.

The geospatial user interface, or GUI, is the desktop interface that hydraulic modelers work with in ICM to access, view and create the model. All model data is stored in an InfoWorks database and accessed via the user interface.

To collaborate with other team members, you must use a workgroup or cloud database that support multiuser environments. Using these, team members access and edit network models, and view and interrogate results simultaneously.

Workgroup collaboration functions help to speed project delivery and support dynamic checking and auditing.

Using a Coordinator Agent, you can run intensive simulations on dedicated high-performance computers via remote agents. This solution is designed for on premise. Contact Autodesk support to set up this environment.

With the 2024 release of ICM, you can store data and run simulations in the cloud. All cloud data and simulations are managed within the Info360 cloud environment.

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