Create a shed roof
Create a roof sketch for a shed roof using the roof by footprint method. Apply slope properties to a roof sketch. Convert a roof sketch to a roof element.
Tutorial resources
These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:
Step-by-step guide
Create a roof sketch for a shed roof using the roof by footprint method, apply slope properties, and convert a roof sketch to a roof element.
- Open the project RF_Arch_Shed Roof_RVT2021.rvt. It opens in the 3D view.
- Orbit the model to see the front of the building and zoom in on the entrance.
- In the Project Browser, Floor Plans section, double-click Level 2 to open the view. Zoom in on the entrance.
- In the Architecture tab > Build panel, expand Roof and click Roof by Footprint.
- In the Options Bar, verify that Defines slope is selected and set the Overhang to 1'-0".
- In the Draw panel, verify that Pick Walls is selected.
- Select the three outside walls, verifying that the overhang is on the outside of the building.
- In the Draw panel, click Line.
- Draw the line across the front of the building.
- In the Modify tab > Modify panel, click Trim/Extend to Corner.
- Select the vertical line on the side you want to keep, and then select the horizontal line.
- Repeat on the other end to form a closed loop.
- Click Modify.
- Select the lower horizontal line.
- In the Options Bar select Defines slope.
- In Properties, change the Slope value to 6" /12".
- In the Modify | Create Roof Footprint tab > Mode panel, click Finish Edit Mode.
- When prompted, click Attach.
- Open the 3D view.
- Save the project.