• Revit

Create a hip roof

Create a roof sketch for a hip roof using the roof by footprint method. Apply slope properties to a roof sketch. Convert a roof sketch to a roof element. Apply the Join/Unjoin Roof tool to project the roof to wall boundaries.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

Place a hip roof using the roof by footprint method, apply slope properties, and use the Join/Unjoin Roof command to connect the roof to the wall boundaries.

  1. Open the project RF-Arch_Hip Roof_RVT2021.rvt. It opens in the 3D view.
  2. Orbit around the building to see the back section.

In the Revit interface, the open project for this example, with the 3D view orbited to the back section of the building.

  1. In the Project Browser, in the Floor Plans section, double-click Level 2. Zoom in on the extension.
  2. In the Architecture tab > Build panel, expand Roof and click Roof by Footprint.

In the drawing area, the Level 2 view zoomed in to the building extension, and in the Architecture tab, Build panel, the Roof drop-down expanded, with Roof by Footprint selected.

  1. In the Options Bar, verify that Defines slope is selected and set the Overhang to 2'-0".
  2. In the Draw panel, verify that Pick Walls is selected.
  3. Select the three outside walls, verifying that the overhang is on the outside of the building.

In the Options Bar and Draw panel, options for this example configured and highlighted in red, and in the Level 2 view, the cursor hovering over the third wall to be selected, with a dashed line displaying on the outside.

  1. In the Options Bar, deselect Defines slope and change the Offset to 0'-0".
  2. Use the Line tool to draw a line connecting the roof sketch at the edge of the building.
  3. In Properties, change the Slope to 6" /12".

Settings for this example configured and highlighted in red, and in the view, a line drawn connecting the roof sketch at the edge of the building, highlighted in red.

  1. In the Modify | Create Roof Footprint tab > Mode panel, click Finish Edit Mode.
  2. Open the 3D view.
  3. In the Modify | Roofs tab > Geometry panel, click Join/Unjoin Roof.

In the 3D view, the newly created roof selected and highlighted, and in the Modify | Roofs tab > Geometry panel, Join/Unjoin Roof selected.

  1. Select the edge of the new roof and then the edge of the building wall. The roof is joined to the wall.

In the view, the edge of the new roof highlighted in red, and the edge of the building wall selected, with the wall highlighted.

  1. Select the three walls of the extension.
  2. In the Modify | Walls tab > Modify Wall panel click Attach Top/Base, and then select the roof. The walls are attached to the roof.

With the 3 walls of the extension selected, the roof being selected to complete the Attach Top/Base command.

  1. Select the roof.
  2. In Properties, set the Base Offset From Level to 2'-0".
  3. Move the cursor back in the view and the roof is moved up 2'-0", with the walls still attached to the roof.

In Properties, the Base Offset From Level set to 2 feet and highlighted in red, and in the view, the selected roof moved up 2 feet, with the walls still attached.

  1. Undo the change.
  2. Save the project.