• InfoWorks WS Pro

Updating and visualizing criticality in the CLA results

Update the criticality and apply a theme that shows the results of a critical link analysis.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Updating and visualizing criticality in the CLA results

Update the criticality and apply a theme that shows the results of a critical link analysis.

Once the CLA run is complete, first make sure both the Critical Link Analysis network and control are open.

  1. Click the Network tab.
  2. Select Update criticality….

The InfoWorks WS Pro interface, with the Network menu open and Update criticality being selected from the submenu.

  1. From the Model Group, drag and drop the CLA run into the Run box of the Update criticality from CLA run dialog.
  2. Click Update.

The Network – Control dialog box in the background, with the Update criticality from CLA run dialog box open in the foreground, with the completed CLA run dragged and dropped from the Model Group window into the Run box and Update being selected.

The workspace updates with a message telling stating that the Criticality update succeeded:

The notification dialog box, informing the user that the Criticality update succeeded, and that there was a total of 366 tests in this example.

  1. Close the message.
  2. Commit the changes to the database.
  3. With the Properties tool enabled, click any pipe that was included in the CLA run to view its properties:

The Properties window, Model Group window, and Network open, with a selected pipe in the network is circled, and the Properties window is open, with the Criticality and Criticality Count values highlighted.

Note: After the criticality update, a theme can be applied that can better aid in understanding the results of the simulation.

  1. Drag and drop the Criticality theme onto the Network.

The final CLA shown in the Network + Control window, with a Thematic Key applied that shows the critical pipes in red.