• Revit

Work with system connector configurations

Add and configure an electrical connection.

Step-by-step guide

Add and configure an electrical connection.

  1. Open the project E05_01.rvt.
  2. Ensure the current view is Lighting > Ceiling Plans > 1 – Ceiling Elec.
  3. Select the lighting fixtures in the lower-right corner of the ceiling plan, as shown.
  4. From the Type Selector, change the lighting fixtures to Custom Lighting Fixture 2x2 – 120.

In the open Revit project, lighting fixtures selected in the lower right corner of the Ceiling Elec. View, and a new fixture type selected in the Type Selector.

A warning message appears because the new lighting fixtures do not have an electrical connector that supports the circuit the original lighting fixtures were connected to.

  1. Click Disconnect.

The warning message, with Disconnect being selected.

  1. To understand more about the connector requirements, open the Electrical Settings for the project by typing ES.
  2. Review the Voltage Definitions. For 120V lighting, the voltage value of the connector on the lighting fixture must be between the minimum and maximum values shown.

In the Electrical Settings window, the Voltage Definitions selected and displayed.

  1. Review the Distribution Systems. The voltage value set at the lighting fixture connector will determine which distribution system it can be connected to.

In the Electrical Settings window, with Distribution Systems selected and displayed in the adjacent table.

  1. Click OK to close the Electrical Settings window.
  2. Select a custom lighting fixture.
  3. In the ribbon, click Edit Family to open it in the Family Editor.
  4. In the Connectors panel, click Electrical Connector.

In the Connectors panel, Electrical Connector is being selected.

  1. Leave all other settings unchanged.
  2. Place the connector on the back face of the lighting fixture, as shown.

Placing the connector on the back face of the lighting fixture.

  1. With the connector placed, press ESC.
  2. Select the connector to access and review the Properties.

In the view, the connector selected, and to the right, the Properties displays the Electrical – Loads properties.

Make the following changes that will create a 120V single phase connector for lighting:

  1. Select Associate Family Parameter for the Load Classification.

In the Properties, Associate Family Parameter is being selected for the Load Classification.

  1. Choose Load Classification from the list of parameters.

In the Associate Family Parameter dialog box, Load Classification is being selected.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Select Associate Family Parameter for Voltage.
  3. Choose Ballast Voltage from the list of parameters.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select Associate Family Parameter for Apparent Load Phase 1.
  6. Choose Apparent Load from the list of parameters.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Set the Power Factor value to 0.95.

In Properties, the Power Factor value set to 0.95.

The settings for the electrical connector are complete.

  1. On the ribbon, click Family Types.

A zoomed-in view of clicking the Family Types button in the ribbon, Properties panel.

  1. Review the value for Ballast Voltage. At 120V, this value is set between the minimum and maximum values in the voltage definitions of the electrical settings.
  2. Click OK.

In the Family Types dialog box, the Ballast Voltage value is highlighted.

  1. Select the light source to review the settings.
  2. On the ribbon, click Light Source Definition.
  3. To suit the lighting fixture, set the shape to Rectangle.
  4. Under Light distribution, choose Photometric Web.

In the Light Source Definition dialog box, Rectangle and Photometric Web are selected so that the buttons are highlighted blue.

  1. Click OK.
  2. With the light source still selected, review the Properties. A generic photometric web file has been assigned to the light source.

In the view, the light source shows as selected, and in the Properties, a generic Photometric Web File is assigned.

  1. On the ribbon, click Family Types.
  2. In the Family Types dialog box, click in the Photometric Web File field.
  3. Click the Browse (…) button to access alternative files.

In the Family Types dialog box, clicking the Browse (…) button in the Photometric Web File field.

  1. From the list in the file browser, select the desired file (in this case, 2x22UA12.ies).
  2. Click Open.

A partial view of the file browser, showing a short list of files, with the file for this example highlighted.

  1. In the Photometrics section of the Family Types window, change the Tilt Angle to -90 degrees.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Note the completed lighting fixture.

The completed lighting fixture.

  1. From the ribbon, click Load into Project to load the modified lighting fixture.
  2. Overwrite the existing version and its parameter values.
  3. Select the new lighting fixtures from the ceiling plan and create a circuit.
  4. Choose panel LP-1 to complete the circuit.

In the ceiling plan, the new lighting fixtures are selected, and in the Panel drop-down, LP-1 is selected.

  1. Save the project.
  2. (Do not save the families for this example.)