Run Clash Tests​

Run Clash Tests – Practice Exercise 

Task 1: Install Navisworks Coordination Issues Add-in 

  1. Make sure Navisworks is not running on your machine. 
  2. Click on the following link to go to the Navisworks app store:
  3. In the Search field, type Coordination; the Navisworks Coordination Issues Add-In is displayed, as shown below.

  4. Download and install this add-in.

Task 2: Importing Search Sets 

  1. Open the federated NWF file from the Autodesk Docs project. 
  2. Activate the Structure + Services viewpoint. 
  3. Using the Sets window, import the search sets provided to you in the Dataset folder, as shown below.

Task 3: Running Clash Tests 

  1. Create a new clash test with the name Structure VS Mechanical
  2. Select the search sets in the Selection A and Selection B areas, as shown below:

  3. Using the settings shown in the figure above, run the clash test; the program will show you the total number of clashes found, as shown below:

  4. Similarly, run a clash test called Structure VS Plumbing using the search sets shown below.

Task 4: Grouping Clashes 

  1. From the Coordination ribbon tab > Clashes ribbon panel, invoke the Create Groups tool; the Group Clashes window is displayed. 
  2. Select the Structure VS Mechanical clash test if not already selected in the Group Clashes window. 
  3. Using the settings shown below, group clashes based on their Element IDs.

  4. Similarly, group clashes in the Structure VS Plumbing clash test. 
  5. Click the Select tab in the Clash Detective window. 
  6. Activate the Structure + Services viewpoint.

Task 5: Publishing the NWD File 

  1. Save the NWF file. 
  2. From the Output ribbon tab > Publish ribbon panel, invoke the NWD tool; the Publish dialog box is displayed. 
  3. Make sure you select the May be re-saved check box. 
  4. Click OK in the dialog box; the Save As dialog box is displayed. 
  5. Using the Desktop Connector, publish the NWD file in the same folder as the NWF file. Make sure you name the NWD file also Hospital-Federated.nwd.