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Volumetric Modeling for Your BIM Workflow

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    In this roundtable session, you learn about generating a powerful data-oriented volume model for Building Information Modeling (BIM) guidelines. The session follows a portion of a well-known national BIM guideline and with the group, discusses the steps to develop a model. As the model evolves, the design authoring/volumetric model grows to include building function and occupancy; building location and envelope construction components, including R-values, SHG coefficient, color and other information. In this session, we discuss uses for the beginning stages of the volumetric model to support early decision making for a building's position and orientation with property setbacks to gauge the overall look. Attendees are asked to come prepared with basic knowledge of COBIE, NBIMS, BIM execution plans, and advanced knowledge of Revit®-based software. Including this portion of BIM into your current workflow is necessary to ensure National Standards compliance for projects of all types.

    Key Learnings

    • Apply new skills in developing pre-proposal solutions that adapt to constantly changing BIM guidelines
    • Create volumetric Revit-based software models to assess design data that drives critical functions in a building
    • Enhance your company's workflow to include volumetric modeling in the process
    • Explain why volumetric modeling will help create a better BIM project