Creating a color-coded map of pressure and velocity


To help you visualize steady state simulation results, you can create a color-coded thematic map based on attribute values.

  1. To begin, double-click the desired project .aprx file to open ArcGIS Pro.
  2. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.
  3. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, in the View panel, click Map Display.
    Map Display icon in View panel

In the Map Display dialog box, you can configure the map theme to display the needed information:

  1. Select Junction as the Element Type.
  2. Select Active Output as the Data Source.
  3. Expand the Data Field drop-down and select Pressure; as soon as you do, the color theme table appears in the panel.
  4. Set Classes to 4.
  5. Click Set Breaks.
  6. In the table, change the settings in the four rows:
    1. Row 1: Set the Color to Red, the Size to 7, and the Break to 20
    2. Row 2: Set the Color to Blue, Size to 5, and Break to 60
    3. Row 3: Set the Color to Green, the Size to 5, and the Break to 120
    4. Row 4: Set the Color to Yellow, the Size to 7, and the Break to 31

Map Display settings for junctions

  1. Click Apply.

To color-code the pipes also:

  1. Select Pipe as the Element Type,
  2. Make sure that Active Output is selected as the Data Source.
  3. Expand the Data Field drop-down and select Velocity.
  4. Set Classes to 3 and then click Set Breaks.
  5. In the table, change the settings in the three rows:
    1. Row 1: Set Color to Yellow, Size to 2, and the Break to 0.5
    2. Row 2: Set the Color to Green, the Size to 1, and Break to 1.5
    3. Row 3: Set the Color to Red, Size to 2, and the Break to 10

Map Display settings for pipes

  1. Click Apply.
  2. Close the Map Display dialog box.
  3. Pan the map view to see the pressure and velocity displayed by the color-coded ranges that you just set.
  4. Zoom into any areas that may require further review.
    Color-coded map display

Note: This example is based on a steady state analysis, therefore, this is just a snapshot in time for this system. It is also possible to create a thematic map based on a time varying output.

  1. When you are finished, on the InfoWater Pro ribbon, View panel, click Reset Map Display to reset the map to the default display (as set in the Preferences).
    Reset Map Display icon in View panel