Reviewing results with the Report Manager


After a steady state simulation has been run successfully, you can use the Report Manager to view different reports from your simulation in both tabular and graph formats.

  1. To begin, double-click the desired project .aprx file to open ArcGIS Pro.
  2. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.
  3. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, in the View panel, click Report Manager.
    The ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, View Panel, with the Report Manager button highlighted for selection
  4. In the Report Manager dialog box, click New.
  5. In the Output Report/Graph dialog box, select Junction Report.
  6. Click Open.
    The Output Report/Graph dialog box, with Junction Report highlighted and the Open button active

A table appears that contains one record for each junction node in the current InfoWater Pro project. To sort the results:

  1. Click the Pressure heading to select the column.
  2. To sort the column, from the toolbar, click Sort Ascending; the highest pressure in the system is 169.94 psi.
  3. Click Sort Descending; the lowest pressure in the system is 1.75 psi.
    The Report Manager, with the Pressure column highlighted as selected and the Sort Descending

To access the data submenus:

  1. Click the Demand heading to select the column.
  2. Right-click the heading and select Data Statistics.
    The Report Manager, with the Data Statistics submenu open, showing the available options, and Data Statistics is highlighted for selection

These numbers show you information such as the highest demand (Maximum Value) and the total demand in the system.

The Field Statistics dialog box open in front of the Report Manager, which is inactive in the background

  1. Click OK to close the Field Statistics window.

To view reports or graphs based on a selection within the model:

  1. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Domain panel, click Enlarge Domain.
    Enlarge Domain icon in Domain panel
  2. Select an area of the system of between 50 and 100 pipes.
  3. (Click and drag the Report Manager to the side.)
    The Network map with the selection of pipes highlighted
  4. In the Report Manager, click New.
  5. In the Output Report/Graph dialog box, select Pipe Report.
  6. Under Data Scope, select Domain to limit the report or graph to the active domain.
    The Output Report/Graph dialog box, with Pipe Report and Domain enabled
  7. Click Open.

The Report Manager populates with a table that contains only the data for the pipes you just selected. To see their velocity data:

  1. Select the Velocity column heading.
  2. From the toolbar, click Frequency Graph.
    The Frequency Graph for the selected pipes in the domain
  3. When you are finished reviewing the data, close the graph and the Report Manager.
  4. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Domain panel, click Clear Domain to undo the pipe selection.
    The Clear Domain icon in Domain panel of the InfoWater Pro ribbon