• Inventor

Mechanical design with intent

Course overview

Machines and Mechanisms are the most common elements mechanical engineers calculate and design. Learn how to design machine elements in a hypothetical project we provide using Autodesk Inventor and one of its key productivity tools - Design Accelerators.

This content focuses on best practices and WHYs behind certain decisions you have to make as a mechanical engineer.

You will learn the following skills:

  • Use CAD efficiently to design machines and mechanisms.
  • Design and calculate shafts.
  • Design and calculate gears and bearings.
  • Design and calculate belt drives.
  • Design and calculate bolted connections.
  • Design and calculate frames.
  • Design and calculate other machine elements.

Before you start

Course downloads

These downloadable resources will be used to complete modules in this course:

Related learning

Module2 hr.

Module20 min.
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Module40 min.
Module15 min.
Module50 min.
Course20 min.
Course20 min.
Inventor, Revit
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Module20 min.
Vault Professional