• Revit

Selecting windows and editing window properties

Edit the size of one window, a selection of windows, or all windows of a certain type using the Properties palette.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

DW-Arch_Place Windows_RVT2021_001.rvt

Step-by-step guide

Edit the size of one window, a selection of windows, or all windows of a certain type using the Properties palette.

  1. Open the project DW-Arch_Place Windows_RVT2021.rvt. It opens in the Level 1 plan view.
  2. In the Project Browser, double-click the view name to open the views Elevations > West and 3D Views > {3D}.
  3. On the View tab > Windows panel, click Tile Views.

In the Revit interface, the 3 open views highlighted in the Project Browser; Tile Views selected on the View tab, Windows panel; and in the drawing area, the tiled views.

  1. Press ZA to zoom all the views to fit each tiled view.

To change the size of one window:

  1. In the West elevation view, select one of the windows.
  2. In Properties, change the Sill Height to 2'-0".
  3. Move the cursor into the view, and the Sill Height of the window updates in all 3 views.

In Properties, the Sill Height adjusted for this example, highlighted in red, the cursor located in the West view, and the window updated in all 3 views, highlighted in red.

  1. From the Quick Access Toolbar, Undo this change.

To change the size of a selection of windows:

  1. In the Level 1 plan view, select all the elements along the left of the building.
  2. In the Modify | Multi-Select tab > Selection panel, click Filter.

In the Level 1 plan view, the elements along the left of the building selected and highlighted in red, and in the Modify | Multi-Select tab, Selection panel, Filter selected and highlighted in red.

  1. In the Filter dialog box, select Check None, and then select Windows.
  2. Click OK.

In the Filter dialog box, all categories deselected except for Windows, with OK selected.

Now, only the windows are selected.

  1. In Properties, change the Sill Height to 2'-0". All the windows in the selection update.

  1. Click Modify.

To change the size of all windows of a certain type:

  1. In the West elevation view, select one window.
  2. In Properties, click Edit Type.

In the West elevation and other views, one window selected, and in the Properties palette, Edit Type selected and highlighted in red.

  1. In the Type Properties dialog box, in the Dimensions section, change the Width to 4'-0".
  2. Click OK.

In the Type Properties dialog box, the Width adjusted for this example and highlighted in red, with OK selected.

All windows of that type update.

In the 3 views, the selected window and all windows of that type appear updated.

  1. Undo the change to the windows.
  2. Save the project.