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Scan to Fab: Extracting Value from Point Clouds

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    Point Clouds have become a standard feature and now a very powerful one throughout Autodesk design products. In the field of steel and concrete fabrication for buildings, many designers are still adopting this technology while others are pushing for more efficient workflows in order to fully leverage the power of reality computing. This roundtable session will examine the use of 3D laser scanning for steel and concrete fabrication within the building design space. Attendees will learn how point clouds are being used today within Autodesk design products such as Advance Steel, Revit, AutoCAD and other Autodesk products. Discussions will include what workflows exist and what gaps need to be closed between laser scan data and needed design deliverables.

    Key Learnings

    • Properly manage laser scan projects from scanner to design product
    • Identify the benefits of reality capture throughout various building and structural design trades prefabrication
    • Examine both native and 3rd party design tools for streamlining “reality to value” workflows
    • Understand current workflow pains and gaps between point clouds and design deliverables