• Inventor Nastran
  • Inventor

Product simulation with Inventor Nastran

Course overview

Product Simulation with Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a computerized method for predicting how a product reacts to real-world forces, vibration, heat, fluid flow, and other physical effects. Finite Element Analysis shows whether a product will break, wear out, or work the way it was designed. It is called analysis, but in the product development process, it is used to predict what is going to happen when the product is used.

Learn how to:

  • Get started with Inventor Nastran.
  • Use element types and meshing in FEA.
  • Apply different types of loads and constraints in FEA.
  • Simulate contacts between parts with Inventor Nastran.
  • Use connectors in FEA.

Course downloads

These downloadable resources will be used to complete modules in this course:

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