Configure the InfoSurge Pro model options
Understand the purpose of the model options you can set before running a simulation.
Tutorial resources
These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:
Step-by-step guide
When using InfoSurge Pro, it is important to properly set the model input units and hydraulic properties, including the headloss equation method, before running a simulation.
- From the Model Explorer, Operation tab, expand Simulation Options.
- Double-click BASE Simulation Options.
- From the Simulation Options dialog box, select the General tab.
- In the Hydraulics section, for this example, expand the Flow Unit drop-down and select Gallons/Minute.
This sets the input data, such as elevations and diameters, to US imperial units. These flow units are applied to link flows and nodal demands.
- Expand the Pressure Unit drop-down and select PSI.
- In the Headloss Equation drop-down, select the Hazen-Williams headloss formula for hydraulic analysis.
This choice of equation also determines how the roughness attribute of pipes is interpreted.
- Click OK to close the dialog box.
These options are saved as a permanent part of the project.