• InfoWater Pro

Configure the InfoSurge Pro model options

Understand the purpose of the model options you can set before running a simulation.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

When using InfoSurge Pro, it is important to properly set the model input units and hydraulic properties, including the headloss equation method, before running a simulation.

  1. From the Model Explorer, Operation tab, expand Simulation Options.
  2. Double-click BASE Simulation Options.

In the ArcGIS interface with InfoWater Pro initialized, in the Model Explorer, the Operation tab highlighted in red, and Simulation Options expanded with BASE Simulation Options selected and called out.

  1. From the Simulation Options dialog box, select the General tab.
  2. In the Hydraulics section, for this example, expand the Flow Unit drop-down and select Gallons/Minute.

This sets the input data, such as elevations and diameters, to US imperial units. These flow units are applied to link flows and nodal demands.

  1. Expand the Pressure Unit drop-down and select PSI.
  2. In the Headloss Equation drop-down, select the Hazen-Williams headloss formula for hydraulic analysis.

The Simulation Options dialog box, General tab, with the Flow Unit and Pressure Unit set for this example, and in the open Headloss Equation drop-down, Hazen-Williams selected and called out.

This choice of equation also determines how the roughness attribute of pipes is interpreted.

  1. Click OK to close the dialog box.

These options are saved as a permanent part of the project.