• InfoWater Pro

Using the Model Explorer and Report Manager

Use the Model Explorer and Report Manager to set up surge simulations and view their results.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

There are several parts of the InfoSurge Pro interface that are used often when performing surge simulations and reviewing their results. Many of these options are found in the Model Explorer and in the Report Manager dialog box.

Model Explorer:

Before performing a surge analysis, from the Model Explorer, it is best practice to make sure *Active*:Surge is selected in the Current Output drop-down.

The Model Explorer, with *Active*:Surge selected as the current output and highlighted in red.

After a successful run, quickly browse the results in the Model Explorer window.

View these results at any timestep by clicking and dragging the Time Selector scroll bar, or by selecting a timestep from the Current Time drop-down.

In the Model Explorer, there are also Report and Graph buttons for quickly creating output reports and graphs for specific model elements, such as a pump or valve.

The Model Explorer, with results highlighted in red, and in the toolbar, the Report and Graph buttons highlighted in red.

Output Report Manager:

Alternatively, view output results from the Report Manager.

Any number of graphs and reports can be opened at one time, and they are fully customizable. Keep in mind that graphs and reports are not saved with projects, but they can be exported to other applications.

To open and display graphs:

  1. From the InfoWater Pro ribbon, View panel, select Report Manager to open the Report Manager dialog box.
  2. Click New to start a new report.
  3. In the Output Report/Graph dialog box, set *Active*:Surge as the output source.
  4. Select the Graph Report tab or Tabular Report tab to choose a report type.
  5. Based on the type of graph or report selected, choose the appropriate Data Scope.
  6. Click Open.

The Report Manager with the New button highlighted in red, and the Output Report/Graph dialog box, with settings needed to view surge results highlighted in red.

The Report Manager opens the results, or, if Selected Element(s) is enabled under Data Scope, select the elements to open.

  1. For certain Graph views, use the Choose Data Element drop-down to select a component for display on the open graph.

Note that this option is only available when Reference Graph is selected.

  1. Use the Choose Variable drop-down to select the output result variable to display on the currently opened graph.

Before attempting a surge analysis, it is also important to understand the model output fields for a surge protection device (SPD):

A graphical image of a surge protection device (SPD) connected to a pipeline, with labels for each output field.

  • Inlet Pressure – The pipeline pressure at the node designated as an SPD
  • Outlet Pressure – The pressure at a selected SPD
  • Side 1 Flow – The flow from upstream
  • Side 2 Flow – The flow to downstream
  • External Flow – The flow to a selected SPD
  • External Volume – The air volume of an SPD

From the Report Manager, animations of surge simulation results can also be viewed. This can be a useful feature to see a visual representation of how surge impacts the hydraulic grade line (HGL):

  1. Create a graph of a surge head profile.
  2. From the Report Manager dialog box, click the Surge Animate button.

In the Report Manager, a surge head profile graph, with the Surge Animate button highlighted in red.

This opens the Surge Animate dialog box, where animation settings can be customized.

  1. Use the scroll bar to step through the simulation timeline.

In the Surge Animate dialog box, the surge head profile graph represented as an animation, including color-coded psi ranges.